Three Questions with Sara Tan of EACH


My name is Sara Tan. I’m from Enhance Asian Community on Health (EACH).

Tell us how partnering with CHNA 20 has changed your work for the better.

By partnering with CHNA 20, it really helps us to expand our services. Especially [since] CHNA 20 has a wide range of partnerships with other organizations. When we think about our Asian population distributed or scattered around the South Shore area, by partnering with CHNA 20, [it] really helps us to reach out to other regions in [the] South Shore as well. I think it just really serves better for our organization.

What are three words you would use to describe CHNA 20’s impact on the community or on an important health issue?

Dependable. You just really can depend on the CHNA. And I think their compassion and their flexibility. I really appreciated the CHNA 20 Mental Health grant as well because that was the first time that we started off with our Mental Health [initiative]. We think that especially in the South Shore, the mental health in the Asian population is very very important, and they are actually getting into a lot of issues in mental health. So when I look at the grant that we got, support from CHNA, they really help us to be more flexible -- whichever way we want to do, if helps the community, and I think that’s really given us the horizon to help in the community in a way that we think that it is better served to the Asian populations.

And whenever we seek help, I really get the support from CHNA, and they really give us the guidance, especially at the early stage of what we wanted to do in the mental health [initiative]. And they give us the directions and guidance and also help us to find some other partners to work in the community and better serve in the area.

Share one goal you have for your continued partnership with CHNA 20.

With the support of CHNA and when we work together, we hope that we can reach out to the service area or the partnership the CHNA is partnering with, where we can reach out to under-served populations in their well-being. Health care is very important, and when we are talking about transportation, I think that is a very, very important area that is missing part of it. And CHNA is working very hard to get that going and to make that successful. I think with our partnership, we can work together to accomplish these programs as well.

Many thanks to Sarah for sharing her perspective! If you’d like to learn more about our work or connect with us, here’s how to get involved.