Hotline/Support Services/Shelter Location 24/7
SafeLink number: (877) 785-2020
Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter
(617) 471-1234
The Violence Intervention and Prevention Programs (VIP) provide free and confidential services to survivors of sexual and domestic violence. Our VIP programs include a domestic violence shelter, program in Brockton District Court to assist survivors in obtaining restraining orders, and a rape crisis center that is the only provider of free and confidential services to survivors of sexual violence in 35 towns and 2 counties.
942 W. Chestnut Street, Brockton, MA 02301
(508) 588-2045
Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Sexual Assault -- Health Imperatives: (508) 588-8255; A New Day Toll-Free Hotline: 1-888-293-7273